Parts List

All parts were found at Wal-mart(**W), Lowes(**L), and Radio Shack(**R). The individual part locations are noted with the "**".

-- 1 3/8" bolt 3" long with a 7/16" head (if you can find a lagbolt with a 7/16" head use that..I can't find one)**L
-- 1 1-1/4" EMT box connector set**L
-- 1 1-1/4" compression connector**L
-- 6 5/8" zinc flat washers**L
-- 1 3/8" x 2" steel pipe nipple**L
-- 1 ballcock shank washer**L(toilet part)
-- 1 1-3/8" wood curtain rod**L
-- 1 Garrity Tuff Lite flashlight (2-cell)**L
-- 1 Popular Mechanics swivel aerator (pm30862)**W
-- 2 10-packs of Popular Mechanics hose washers (pm93114) [only 12 are need for this project]**W
-- 2 small o-rings**L
-- 2 large o-rings**L
-- 1 eye-screw**L
-- black paint**W
-- black duct tape**W
-- black construction paper**W
-- small red lamp (radio shack cat. #272-345)**R
-- small black (or painted black) wood screw**L
-- several very small o-rings (to act as spacers between the bolt and the pipe nipple)**L
-- 6 small self-adhesive black rubber bumpers (got mine at radio shack #64-2346)**R


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